Tiefling Name Generator – Find Ideal Tiefling Names

Welcome to our Tiefling Name Generator! If you want to create a captivating name for your Tiefling character, you’ve come to the right place. This tool is designed to spark your imagination and help you find the perfect name for your infernal hero or antihero. Let’s dive into the world of Tieflings and explore how to craft names that are as unique as they are.

Tiefling Name Generator

Create unique Tifling Names for your D&D characters

★★★★☆ Rated 4.7 of 5 by 1M+ D&D players worldwide

    What is a Tiefling?

    Before diving into naming, let’s talk about what makes Tieflings special. Tieflings are humanoid beings with infernal heritage. They’re known for their striking appearance:

    • Horns (various shapes and sizes)
    • Tails (often long and thin)
    • Unusual skin colors (reds, purples, blues, etc.)
    • Solid-colored eyes (no visible pupils)
    • Sharp teeth and nails

    Tieflings often face prejudice due to their fiendish ancestry, which shapes their personalities and life experiences. This background plays a big role in their names and identities.

    How Does Our Tiefling Name Generator Work?

    Our Tiefling Name Generator is super easy to use. Here’s how:

    1. Visit our Tiefling Name Generator page.
    2. In the input box, type words that describe your Tiefling. Examples:
    • “fire-loving trickster”
    • “wise night wanderer”
    • “charismatic rogue”
    1. Click the “Generate Name” button.
    2. Voila! You’ll see a list of Tiefling names appear.
    3. Don’t like the options? No problem! Just click again for a new batch of names.

    The generator uses your input to create names that fit your Tiefling’s personality and background. It’s like magic, but with words!

    Why Use Our Tiefling Name Generator?

    You might wonder, “Why should I use a name generator?” Great question! Here are some reasons:

    1. It’s Free: Our generator doesn’t cost a penny. Use it as much as you want!
    2. Endless Ideas: Stuck for ideas? Our generator can give you thousands of name options.
    3. Time-Saving: Coming up with names can take hours. Our generator does it in seconds.
    4. Inspiration Boost: They might spark new ideas even if you don’t use the exact names.
    5. It’s Fun: Playing around with different name options is enjoyable!

    Tiefling Naming Conventions

    Tiefling names are as diverse as tieflings themselves. Here are some common types of Tiefling names:

    1. Infernal Names: Derived from the Lower Planes, these names often sound harsh or exotic.
    2. Virtue Names: Self-chosen names representing a quality or concept the Tiefling aspires to.
    3. Human Names: Some Tieflings use names from the cultures they grow up in.
    4. Hellish Titles: Dramatic, imposing names that lean into their fiendish heritage.

    Let’s look at some examples:

    Name TypeMale ExamplesFemale ExamplesNeutral Examples
    InfernalEkemon, SkamosNemeia, ZaidiXarthon, Ozrius
    VirtueHope, CourageGrace, MercyPatience, Truth
    HumanMichael, AlexeiSophia, YukiSam, Jordan
    HellishBane, HavocMalice, TempestChaos, Ruin

    Sample Tiefling Names from Our Generator

    Here’s a taste of what our Tiefling Name Generator might create:

    Male NamesFemale NamesNeutral Names

    Infernal Nobility Inspired Tiefling Names – Fantasy Names


    Virtue and Concept Names


    Nature-Inspired Names


    Funny Tiefling Names


    Modern-Sounding Tiefling Names


    Some Tips for Creating Tiefling Names

    Want to make your own Tiefling name? Here are some tips:

    1. Consider Their Background: A Tiefling raised by humans might have a human name, while one embracing their infernal side might choose a more devilish name.
    2. Think About Personality: Is your Tiefling brooding, dark, or striving to be good? Their name could reflect this.
    3. Use Powerful Sounds: Names with ‘Z’, ‘X’, ‘V’, or ‘K’ can sound exotic and strong.
    4. Combine Words: Mix common words to create new names. For example, “Shadow” + “Flame” = Shadlow or Flamow.
    5. Play with Spelling: Take a regular name and give it a devilish twist. “Katherine” could become “Kathyryn” or “Caterine”.
    6. Consider Meaning: Look up words in other languages representing your tiefling’s qualities.

    Customizing Your Tiefling Name

    The names from our generator are just the beginning. Here’s how you can make them truly your own:

    1. Mix and Match: Like parts of different names? Combine them!
    2. Add Titles: “Ash the Unburnt” sounds cooler than just “Ash,” right?
    3. Change Spelling: Switch up the letters to make it unique. “Raven” could become “Rayvn”.
    4. Add Backstory: Think about why your Tiefling has this name. It adds depth to your character.

    Tiefling Name Meanings

    Some Tieflings choose names with special meanings. Here are some ideas:

    ConceptPossible NamesMeaning
    FireAiden, Edan“Little Fire” in Irish
    DarknessCiara, Kiera“Dark” in Irish
    RedRufus, Rory“Red” in Latin and Irish
    HopeNadia, Nadine“Hope” in various languages
    TricksterLoki, PuckMythological tricksters

    Fun Facts About Tiefling Names

    1. Self-Chosen: Many Tieflings choose their names as mature, rejecting names given by parents.
    2. Virtue Names: This is a common Tiefling tradition, choosing a virtue to aspire to as a name.
    3. Cultural Mix: Tiefling names can come from any culture, reflecting their diverse backgrounds.
    4. Changing Names: Some Tieflings change their names multiple times in their lives.
    5. Secret Names: Some Tieflings have a public name and a secret “true” name.

    Using Tiefling Names in Your Stories or Games

    Tiefling names can add a lot of flavor to your storytelling or roleplaying. Here are some ideas:

    1. Name Evolution: Have your Tiefling’s name change as they grow and face challenges.
    2. Name Meaning: Use the name as a plot point. Maybe your Tiefling is living up to (or running from) the meaning of their name.
    3. Cultural Clash: A Tiefling with a very infernal name might face extra prejudice in human societies.
    4. Hidden Identity: A Tiefling might use a human-sounding name to blend in, revealing their true name only to trusted friends.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can Tieflings have normal human names?

    Yes, absolutely! Some Tieflings, especially those raised in human societies, might have typical human names. Others might choose human names to blend in better.

    How do I pronounce these unusual Tiefling names?

    There’s no strict rule. For made-up names, pronounce them in a way that feels natural to you. For names based on real words, you can usually pronounce them like the original word.

    Can I mix and match names from different tables?

    Definitely! Feel free to combine different name elements or use them as inspiration to create your unique names.

    Are there any taboo names for Tieflings?

    There aren’t official taboo names in most settings. However, names of major devils or demons might be avoided out of superstition or to prevent unwanted attention.

    Can a Tiefling’s name change over time?

    Yes, many tieflings choose their names as adults. Some might change their names multiple times throughout their lives as they grow and change.

    Are there differences between male and female Tiefling names?

    While some names might be traditionally associated with certain genders, Tieflings often break conventions. Many Tiefling names are considered gender-neutral.

    Can I use a name generator for non-Tiefling characters?

    While our generator is designed for Tiefling names, you can certainly use it to inspire other character types, especially those with otherworldly or exotic backgrounds.

    How important is a Tiefling’s name to their character?

    A name can be very significant, often reflecting a Tiefling’s personality, aspirations, or background. However, the importance varies depending on the character and the story you’re creating.

    Are there any naming traditions specific to Tieflings?

    One common tradition is using “virtue names,” where Tieflings choose a concept or quality as their name. However, Tiefling naming practices can vary widely depending on their upbringing and personal choice.

    Can I create a totally new name that’s not in any of your tables?

    Absolutely! Our tables and generators are meant to inspire you. Feel free to create completely original names that fit your vision for your Tiefling character.


    Naming your Tiefling character is an exciting part of bringing them to life. Whether creating a character for a roleplaying game, writing a story, or having fun with fantasy names, our Tiefling Name Generator is here to help spark your imagination. Remember, there’s no “wrong” way to name a Tiefling. Most importantly, the name feels right to you and fits the character you envision. So start generating names, and have fun exploring the rich, complex world of Tiefling identities.