Drow Name Generator – Unique Names for Your Dark Elves

Welcome to our Drow Name Generator! If you want to create a fantastic name for your drow (dark elf) character, you’re in the right place. This tool is designed to help you create unique and fitting names for your underground elven heroes or villains. Let’s dive into the drow world and explore how to craft names that capture their mysterious and often dangerous nature.

Drow Name Generator

Create unique Drow Names for your D&D characters

★★★★☆ Rated 4.7 of 5 by 1M+ D&D players worldwide

    What is a Drow?

    Before naming, let’s talk about what makes drow special. Drow, also known as dark elves, are a subrace of elves in many fantasy worlds. Here are some key things to know about them:

    • They usually live deep underground in big cave cities.
    • Drow has dark skin that can be black, dark blue, or purple.
    • Their hair is typically white or very light gray.
    • Drow often has red eyes, but some might have pale eyes.
    • They’re known for being sneaky, smart, and very good at magic.
    • Women usually rule Drow society and worship spider goddesses.
    • They’re often (but not always) seen as evil or dangerous by other races.

    Understanding these traits can help you create a name that really fits your drow character!

    How Does Our Drow Name Generator Work?

    Our Drow Name Generator is super easy to use. Here’s how you can create cool drow names in just a few steps:

    1. Go to the Drow Name Generator page on our website.
    2. Look for the input box. This is where you can type words that describe your drow.
    3. Think about your drow’s personality, job, or special skills. Type these into the box.
      For example, you might write: “sneaky spider priestess” or “outcast shadow mage”
    4. Once you’ve added your description, find the “Generate Name” button and click it.
    5. Magic happens! You’ll see a list of drow names appear on your screen.
    6. Don’t worry if you don’t like the first batch of names. Just click the button again for more options.

    The generator uses your input to create names that match your drow’s character. It’s like having a helpful dark elf naming your character for you!

    Drow Naming Conventions

    Drow names are as complex and interesting as drow themselves. Here are some things to know about how drow are usually named:

    1. Given Names: This is the name a drow gets at birth. It’s their personal name.
    2. House Names: This is like a family name. It shows which drow family or house they belong to.
    3. City Names: Sometimes, drow add the name of their home city to their full name.

    So, a full drow name might look like this: Viconia DeVir of Menzoberranzan

    But that’s not all! Drow names often have these special features:

    • Apostrophes and Hyphens: Names like Driz’zt or Gin-kyri are common.
    • X, Z, and V Sounds: Drow-like names with these letters because they sound exotic.
    • Different Sounds for Males and Females: Female names often sound softer, while male names might be harsher.
    • Meaningful Parts: Many drow names have parts that mean something in the drow language.

    Tips for Creating Drow Names

    Want to make your own drow name? Here are some helpful tips:

    1. Think Dark and Mysterious: Use words that sound shadowy or secretive.
    2. Consider Their Job: A drow warrior might have a strong, harsh name, while a drow mage could have a more magical-sounding name.
    3. Use Drow Letters: Try using lots of X, Z, V, and TH sounds.
    4. Add Apostrophes or Hyphens: Put these in the middle of names to make them look more drow-like.
    5. Make Female Names Longer: Women are usually in charge in drow society, so their names tend to be fancier.
    6. Think About Personality: Is your drow sneaky? Proud? Rebellious? Try to show this in their name.
    7. Mix and Match: Take parts of different names you like and assemble them.
    8. Say it Out Loud: Make sure the name is something you can actually say!

    Sample Drow Names & Ideas From Our Generator

    Let’s look at some examples of names our Drow Name Generator might create:

    Traditional Drow Names

    Male NamesFemale NamesHouse Names

    Drow Occupational Names

    Warrior NamesMage NamesPriestess Names

    Drow Virtue (or Vice) Names

    Positive TraitsNegative TraitsNeutral Traits

    Drow Nature-Inspired Names

    Cave NamesSpider NamesDarkness Names

    Modern-Sounding Drow Names

    Male NamesFemale NamesUnisex Names

    Why To Use Our Drow Name Generator?

    You might wonder, “Why should I use a name generator?” Great question! Here are some excellent reasons:

    1. It’s Free: Our generator costs nothing. Use it as much as you want!
    2. Endless Ideas: Stuck thinking of a name? Our generator can give you thousands of options.
    3. Saves Time: Coming up with names can take hours. Our generator does it in seconds.
    4. Inspires Creativity: Even if you don’t use the exact names, they might give you new ideas.
    5. It’s Fun: Playing around with different name options is just enjoyable!
    6. Fits Your Character: Using descriptive words, you get names matching your drow’s personality.
    7. Learns Drow Naming Rules: Our generator follows Drow naming customs, teaching you as you use it.
    8. Mix and Match: Use the generated names as building blocks to create your perfect name.

    Customizing Your Drow Name

    Remember, the names from our generator are just the beginning. Here’s how you can make them truly your own:

    1. Swap Parts: Like the start of one name and the end of another? Put them together!
    2. Add Titles: “Venom’dar the Undefeated” sounds cooler than just “Venom’dar”, right?
    3. Change Spelling: Switch up the letters to make it unique. “Viconia” could become “Vykonia”.
    4. Add Meaning: Think about why your drow has this name. Maybe it tells a story about their past.
    5. Make it Pronounceable: If a name is too hard to say, change it so you can use it easily in your game or story.

    Drow Name Meanings

    Some drow names have special meanings. Here are a few examples:

    Viconia“Poison beauty”
    Jarlaxle“Lucky rogue”
    Zaknafein“Silent death”
    Drizzt“Unyielding hunter”
    MaliceNamed after the feeling
    Briza“Sudden strike”

    Using Drow Names in Your Stories or Games

    Here are some tips for using drow names in your adventures:

    1. Formal vs. Casual: Use the full name (given name + house name) in formal situations. Use just the first name with friends.
    2. Secret Identities: A drow might hide their house name if they’re trying to keep secrets.
    3. Name Changes: If a drow leaves their underground home, they might change their name to fit in.
    4. Power Play: Enemies might use a drow’s house name to mock them or show disrespect.
    5. Titles: Important drow often have titles like “Weapons Master” or “First Priestess” to accompany their names.

    Fun Facts About Drow Names

    1. Female drow names are usually longer and fancier because drow society is run by women.
    2. Drow-like names that sound scary or powerful to other races.
    3. Some drow change their names if they leave their underground homes.
    4. Drow family names are essential and show how powerful the family is.
    5. Drow sometimes names themselves after dangerous animals or weapons.


    Can drow have nice-sounding names?

    Yes! While many drow names sound dark or dangerous, some can be beautiful. It depends on the character’s personality and background. For example, a drow raised on the surface might have a prettier-sounding name.

    Are all drow names hard to say?

    Not all drow names are challenging to pronounce. Some are pretty simple. However, many Drow like complex names because they think it makes them sound impressive or mysterious.

    Can I use a drow name for a surface elf?

    You can use a drow-style name for a surface elf, but it might seem unusual in some story settings. It could be an interesting plot point – maybe your elf has a secret Drow ancestry or was raised by a Drow!

    How do I pronounce drow names correctly?

    There’s no strict rule for pronouncing made-up fantasy names. The best approach is to say them in a way that feels natural and cool to you. If you’re playing in a group, you can decide how to say specific names together.

    Can drow names have meanings from real-world languages?

    Absolutely! Many people create fantasy names by using words or parts of words from natural languages like Latin, Welsh, or Sanskrit. This can add depth to your character’s name. Just be respectful if you’re using words from real cultures.

    How often can I use the Drow Name Generator?

    You can use our Drow Name Generator as often as you like! It’s free, and there’s no limit. Feel free to generate names until you find one perfect for your character.

    Can I use these names for non-Drow characters?

    While our generator is designed for drow names, you can certainly use the names for other dark or mysterious characters. They might work well for other underground races, night-themed characters, or even villains in your story.

    What if I don’t like any of the generated names?

    If you don’t like the names you see, you have a few options:

    1. Click the “Generate” button again for a new set of names.
    2. Try changing the descriptive words you put in the input box.
    3. Use parts of different generated names to create your own.
    4. Use the generated names as inspiration to come up with something completely new.

    Are these names copyright-free?

    The names generated by our tool are for your personal use in games, stories, or other creative projects. They’re not copyrighted, so you’re free to use them. However, if you’re publishing something, it’s always a good idea to check that you’re not accidentally using a name from a famous book or game.

    Can I create a name for a drow from a specific city or region?

    Our generator doesn’t have specific options for different drow cities or regions. However, you can add the name of a drow city to your character’s full name yourself. For example, “Viconia DeVir of Menzoberranzan” tells us the character is from the famous drow city of Menzoberranzan.


    Now that you know all about drow names and how our generator works, why not give it a try? Our Drow Name Generator is waiting to help you create the perfect name for your dark elf character. Whether you’re writing a story, playing a game, or just having fun with fantasy names, we’re here to spark your imagination.